Related Links
Visit the following related links:
 Anthropology: The Anthro.Net database contains thousands of reviewed web sites and bibliographic references.
Anthropology Resources on the Internet: An extensive resource for anthopologists
WWW Virtual Library: A virtual library for anthropology
Cambridge Antrhopology Journal: Ernest Gellner Memorial Issue
Anthropology Biography
: This biography website has been developed by the anthropology students at Minnesota State University, Mankato
General Philosophy:
Episteme Links: This is an excellent resource page for those interested in all aspects of philosophy.
Guide to Philosophy: Another good resource page with links to other philosophy sites.
Philosophy around the Web: A philosophical gateway to the Internet.
Lives: A comprehensive biographical resource page dealing with philosophers and other important personages.
The Philosophy of Science Association: The official website of the PSA.
The Nationalism Project: The site is edited in consultation with a committee of experts in the field.
Nationalism Studies at Edinburgh: The University's Graduate School of Social and Political Studies examines
the subject area of nationhood, nationality and nationalism
systematically and comparatively.
Nations and Nationalism: The Journal of the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism.
Nationalism links: This page is about the way academics, analysts and theorists approach the phenomenon
of nationalism. It includes some general sources such as literature lists.
Karl Popper: The Karl Popper Website.
Bernard Lonergan: The offical Website of the Canadian theologian Bernard Lonergan.
Ludwig Wittgenstein: Brain Carver's site on Wittgenstien
Ludwig Wittgenstein: John Siebenbaum's site on Wittgenstien
Islam and Africa:
The North Africa Journal: Journal of North Africa
Middle East Studies Assocation: The website of the Middle East Studies Association
The Middle East North Africa Internet Resource Guide: An excellent resouce site for Middle East and North African studies.
and Ethnic Politics
Ethnic and Racial Studies